The Script Task in MSBuild
As part of your build process customization, you may sometimes prefer invoking a simple piece of C# or VB code to relatively elaborate MSBuild script segments while implementing certain functionalities.
As part of your build process customization, you may sometimes prefer invoking a simple piece of C# or VB code to relatively elaborate MSBuild script segments while implementing certain functionalities.
In case you are not interested in writing your own custom tasks and compiling them into a dll for these small customization needs, MSBuild Community Tasks has a Script task for such cases
Sticking to tradition, let's go with a 'hello world' example:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)/MSBuildCommunityTasks/MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
public static string ScriptMain() {
string Text2 = "World";
return "$(Text1)" + Text2;
<Target Name="TestScriptTask">
<Script Language="C#" Code="$(GetFullText)">
<Output TaskParameter="ReturnValue" PropertyName="FullText" />
<Message Text="My String: $(FullText)" />
Sticking to tradition, let's go with a 'hello world' example:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)/MSBuildCommunityTasks/MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
public static string ScriptMain() {
string Text2 = "World";
return "$(Text1)" + Text2;
<Target Name="TestScriptTask">
<Script Language="C#" Code="$(GetFullText)">
<Output TaskParameter="ReturnValue" PropertyName="FullText" />
<Message Text="My String: $(FullText)" />
The return type of ScriptMain() can be void or string.
Now, the auto-generated code and the build output would look something like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class msbc96d6fb42e75a487c93c422f4f56a72da {
public static string ScriptMain() {
string Text2 = "World";
return "Hello" + Text2;
Done executing task "Script".
Task "Message"
My String: HelloWorld
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